
Formal planning application (consultation ended on 27th October 2022)

see below from Urban Realm Oct 17 2022

Kippendavie Estate

Text from Scottish Housing News 20 July 2022

Ristol Consulting Ltd contacted the council on behalf of Kippendavie Group Trust to request a formal screening opinion on whether a planning application for residential development on land 50 metres east of Kellie Wynd would need an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Planners at Stirling Council have revealed that a specific EIA is not being sought because it was not believed the development, of 44 homes, would result in “a significant effect on the environment”.

However, the council stated: “Any forthcoming application should be supported by information which considers the environmental impact of the proposed development including a comprehensive package of habitat and ecological surveys and any necessary mitigation, archaeological report, site investigation report, transport assessment, air quality assessment, landscape and visual impact assessment, etc.”

The two-hectare location forms the western part of a larger agricultural field which is used for livestock grazing. To the west, between the site and Kellie Wynd, lies an area of scrub, semimature trees, open space and a football pitch.

There is also an unnamed burn running along the eastern edge of the housing estate at Kellie Wynd. To the north of the site is mixed woodland and Ryland Burn, beyond which is Ryland Lodge and Kippendavie Mains.

To the east of the site is a continuation of the field which extends, on rising ground, towards woodland and south is another field, with two ponds to the south west, The Stirling Observer reports.

Vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed new housing scheme would be formed off Kellie Wynd.

In their decision on the EIA, council planners said: “The proposed development will be of comparable scale to that of the adjacent established residential development. There are no similar developments within the vicinity where cumulation is an issue.

“There are no areas that are protected under international or national legislation for their ecological value which could be affected by the construction or operation of the proposed development.

“The nearest SAC and SSSI are located approximately 1.8km to the south east of the site with their notified interest being that of woodland habitats and invertebrate assemblages. Given the distance and lack of connectivity, it is not considered that the proposed development will result in significant effects.”

Stirling Council planners added: “The site is an improved pasture considered to be of limited ecological value. The site falls within the Battle of Sheriffmuir Battlefield. There are no areas on the site that are protected under international or national legislation for their cultural heritage value. Rylands Lodge to the north is noted as a listed building, however it is not considered that the proposal will have a significant effect on the listed building or its setting.

“The site is adjacent to Dunblane and will be visible from a number of public vantage points – including footpaths.

“The magnitude and complexity of the effects arising from the proposed development are expected to be limited and confined to the local area.”

They concluded: “The duration and frequency of the potential effects are not significant and are largely reversible.

“Whilst there will be some effect from the proposal on the environment, it is considered that these can be addressed through the design process, methods of construction and compliance with the legislation of relevant regulatory bodies.”


Time is running out to give "Your View" in the 2022 Stirling Council Residents' Survey.

The Survey gives people living locally the chance to have their say on satisfaction levels with the Council and its services, following on from the last poll in 2019.

Hundreds of residents have already had their say but with the survey set to close on Wednesday 19 October, there's just over one week left to give your view of key services like roads, waste and education.

Stirling Council Leader, Cllr Chris Kane, said: "The response numbers have been great so far but there are communities out there who have yet to have their say.

"We know a lot has changed in the past three years and we need to know what we're doing well and what we need to improve, so I'd encourage everybody to take a few minutes and tell us what you think.

"It's important we capture the thoughts of as many people as possible so we can understand the varying demands across our diverse communities."

The survey is open to every Council resident, as well as those who work or study in the Stirling Council area.

Your View – the 2022 Stirling Council Residents' Survey is available on Engage Stirling or via direct link here:

- ends -

Winter volunteer scheme for communities

Stirling Council is launching a pilot project that will enable groups of residents to support their community during wintry weather conditions.

The Community Winter Volunteer scheme will give people the tools and help to clear snow and ice on local footpaths that are not currently treated by the Council. 

Applicants and groups will be provided with safety clothing and the necessary equipment, including shovels, snow pushers, grit spreaders, high-vis clothing, PPE and grit. 

Full training will be delivered by the Council to volunteers to carry out the tasks and ongoing support will also be available. 

Each group will elect a Team Leader and a Deputy Leader, who will liaise with the Council's Roads Service.

The initiative was approved as part of the Council's Winter Service Policy for 2022/23 at a recent meeting of the Environment and Housing Committee.

Convener, Cllr Jen Preston said: "During the winter months the Council has to prioritise the areas it grits, focusing on routes that pose the greatest risk to public safety if not treated.

"This pilot project will empower communities to clear snow and ice from local footpaths as and when needed, in addition to the gritting carried out by the Council which will remain at the same level as previous years.

"There is a fantastic community spirit across Stirling and we know there is a desire from groups and individuals to pitch in for their own neighbourhoods and communities over the winter to help the most vulnerable.

"Any community groups or residents who would like to get involved or want to know more about the scheme, please get in touch as soon as possible."

A number of other local authorities employ similar schemes including Edinburgh, Falkirk and Aberdeenshire.

The Roads Service will monitor the operation and effectiveness of the pilot and a report will be brought back to a future meeting of the committee.

For more information on the pilot and to apply, please head to the Stirling Council website.

A recording of the committee meeting can be viewed here:

BBC Scotland are on a mission to create a unique choir led by vocal coach to the stars, Yvie Burnett, for her new series, ‘Scotland Sings’.

For the past 20 years, Yvie has worked with a range of stars from Katy Perry to Susan Boyle, Lewis Capaldi to Leona Lewis, and has appeared on The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent along the way.

Now, Yvie is taking on her biggest challenge yet – to form and coach a choir from some of Scotland’s hidden talents, those who have kept their vocal talents a secret, until now…

We need you to help us find our country’s finest ‘secret’ singers - those who’ve kept their talents hidden away, who lack the confidence to ever sing in public but would benefit both physically and mentally from coaching and singing in a group led by Yvie, even if this is the first time they’ve let their vocals be heard outside of the shower!

So if that sounds like you or even someone you know – a family member or friend – now is the time the act!

To be considered, all you have to do is record a video or send us the email address of your nominee by heading to this address: and follow the instructions.

We can’t wait to hear all the unheard voices from across Scotland!

The closing date for applications is the 31st of October 2022 at midnight.





Works have finally been completed on the sewer network with just final tidying up to complete.

Read the update on Scottish Water website.

Community Council Next Meeting - Wednesday 5 October 2022

Dunblane Community Council will be holding its next meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 5 October

You can attend in person in Dunblane Library (we are told Zoom will not be available).



Notification of Consultation 
Designation of Local Nature Conservation Sites
Stirling Council is proposing to designate 17 areas of land as Local Nature Conservation Sites (LNCS) and a report on this matter was considered by the Council’s Environment and Housing Committee at its meeting on 18 November 2022.
Such sites have local nature conservation value on account of:-
  • species diversity, species or habitat rarity, naturalness and extent of habitat;
  • contribution to national and local biodiversity objectives;
  • potential contribution to the protection or enhancement of connectivity between habitats or the development of green networks;
  • potential to facilitate enjoyment and understanding of natural heritage, and geodiversity value.
The Wildlife Information Centre, with the assistance of local environmental voluntary groups and in partnership with Stirling Council, have assessed a range of candidate LNCS, and have now finalised a list of 17 sites within the Stirling Local Development Plan area deemed to be of sufficient biodiversity value to merit formal designation.
Three of these sites is within the area of Dunblane Community Council (linked to site statements)
Copies of the site plans and site statements are attached for information. 
The Stirling Local Development Plan includes a commitment to identify and protect LNCS and, following designation, they should subsequently not be adversely affected by development proposals (Policy 8.1 and 8.2 refer) 
The Council’s Climate and Nature Emergency Plan, adopted by Council at its meeting on 24 June 2021, identifies LNCS designation as a means to contribute toward Objective 4 -  Optimise Biodiversity and Increase Carbon Storage Potential of Nature - with a target of 100 designated sites throughout the entire Council area by 2030. Designation of LNCS is also a priority action in the supporting Alive with Nature Plan.
Comments are now invited on the proposed designation and should be submitted by Monday 21st  November 2022.
Further information can be found via this link:-  Comments and representations can also be submitted via the Engage platform.
Due consideration will be given to any responses  received, these will be summarised and reported to a future meeting of the Council’s Environment and Housing Committee, along with a recommendation as to whether sites should now be formally designated.
Please contact me should you have any queries or require further information.
Richard Callender
Senior Planning Officer (Planning and Policy)
Planning and Building Standards Service | Stirling Council | Old Viewforth | Stirling FK8 2ET
T: 01786 233662 | M: 07876 877019 | E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |




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