

On the 300th anniversary year of the Battle of Sheriffmuir, in the place that inspired Burns, Tannahill, Hogg, Lewis, Penny and others to compose verse that once made Dunblane a place of poetical pilgrimage, thanks to The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, scotsbard, Paraig MacNeil, is giving Dunblane a cultural kiss of life, unearthing her ancient yarn and weave to join it with the new verse of its present day bards, in a selection of poem and song.

The on-going e-book anthology’s three chapters will exhibit works of:
the traditional bards, the Battle of Sheriffmuir and the ‘15’, and the modern bards.

This will be available for all as a resource, to assist the growing population of the area, or increase a cultural identity focal point, helping to generate more of an interest in the local community through its native literature.

Also as a community project, part of Paraig’s contribution is to hold periodical showcase/performances in local venues, as well as constructing home-made videos with verse/lyrics for folks to follow.

Besides the traditional verse collected, Paraig has about eighteen modern contributors so far.  So, if you are resident in Dunblane and area and have been writing verse, or if you have written verse about Dunblane and area, or both, and wish to contribute, then please let Paraig know soon on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone 01786 824563.

‘The Bards o’ Allan Water’ is scheduled to be published in early November.  You can follow the project and the videos on:

On 18 June 2015 revised proposals for Park of Keir were lodged with Stirlng Council

Read the proposals document

Read all the planning documents 14/00455/PPP

(you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to the documents dated 18 June 2015 and later)

BBC coverage

Online petition against proposals

No Housing on Park of Keir Facebook page

Judy Murray has unveiled a stamp of her son Andy winning Wimbledon on the Dunblane postbox painted gold in his honour.

Dunblane Community Council has been campaigning for new anti-fraud technology to be fitted on ATM machines in the town, after they were targeted

Read the Stirling Observer Article


New Manager for the Braeport Centre

The DDT is pleased to announce that Kirsty Thomson is the new manager at the Braeport Centre.

Kirsty is a Dunblane resident and mother of two girls who attend St Mary's School. She has been a regular Braeport user for some years.

She has highly developed IT skills which will enable the Braeport to go online with the calendar and booking system as well as using social media (Facebook and Twitter) to advertise the Centre.

Kirsty is already fired up and full of enthusiasm and good ideas - just what we need as we progress towards community ownership.

Kirsty can be contacted by telephone on 01786 822422 or at our new email address - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I am sure you will all make her feel very welcome.


 The Drying Green Stayed Dry and a good sized crowd enjoyed the action by the river. We were entertained in one marquee with Dunblane High School Trad Group and Monument Performing Arts and by choirs in the other. The High Street had Highland Dancers, Pipers and various other acts.  The stalls were doing a thriving trade with food, arts and crafts all on sale.  There was even a sword fencing display.


















Over the summer there will be delays on the railway to Edinburgh.  This is due to electrication work in preparation for the Edinburgh - Glasgow new electric trains next year.  Electrification out to Dunblane will follow by 2018.


There will be replacement buses between Falkirk Grahamston and Edinburgh on the weekend – 6-7 June.

Over the 13-14 June weekend, buses will replace trains for passengers on both lines between Edinburgh and Falkirk Grahamston, to where Glasgow trains will be diverted.

Then from 15 June to 25 July, no trains will run between Edinburgh and Linlithgow, with replacement buses.

TSB and its customers in Dunblane have raised £161 for The Dunblane Centre, by holding a 'Name the Famous Couples' Quiz in April. The Dunblane Centre was chosen as the Bank’s first Local Charity Partner.

Instead of having a centrally chosen Charity of the Year, TSB Partners across Britain are empowered to recognise local causes which share the Bank’s passion for helping local communities thrive.  The Dunblane Centre was nominated for the work it does in the local community and will benefit from fundraising activities by TSB Partners working in the area throughout 2015.

Catherine Gunn, Bank Manger at TSB Dunblane, said 'The Dunblane Centre is a vital part of our local community and we are really proud to have them as our Local Charity Partner.'

Stewart Prodger, Trustee for The Dunblane Centre, said 'We are hugely grateful to TSB Dunblane for the money they are raising in 2015.  Having major businesses like TSB supporting us locally is a great way of making our community stronger.'

Notes to editors: As well as applications from charities and community enterprises, TSB Partners and the public were able to make their own nominations of local causes to include in the process.  Each nomination which met the eligibility criteria was entered into a random draw and given a fair chance of being selected.

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