Dunblane Community Council
What are community councils?
Community councils were set up with Local Government reorganisation in 1973. Their general purpose, as defined in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and in the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994, is:
“to ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authorities for its area and to public authorities the views of the community which it represents in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible”
“to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable”
This gives a great deal of scope to community councils to get involved in a variety of local issues: to develop local projects and activities (on their own or with others), and to represent community opinion to local authorities and public bodies.
Have your say about Dunblane!
Dunblane is a great place to live, work and visit. With its, local economy, river,
parks and woodland walks, local/national transport links, rich history, Cathedral,
Leighton Library and museum it’s just an amazing place for people to come
together. We want to work together with you to build on all of that, making
Dunblane an even better place for the future.
The Scottish Government has introduced a new Planning Policy Framework
called NPF4. This new policy allows for Local Place Plans to be put together by
local communities. These Plans are supposed to be taken account of by Councils
as they prepare the next Local Development Plan which will run until 2036. Plans
must be submitted to Stirling Council by early 2025 at the latest, we would like to
submit our Plan before Christmas this year if possible.
We are running a survey during the month of June. The survey is a simple 8
questions and should only take a few minutes to complete. Paper copies of the
survey can be picked up and dropped off at Dunblane Library.
This survey is our initial attempt to gather your views. We will look at the results
and then decide if further short surveys are required to get more detail, we may
do workshops also on specific topics.
Currently we do not have any funding to help us with this project, the Scottish
Government did not allocate funding, Stirling Council does not have funding. We
are hoping to get some funding via the FVL CLLD fund, we will let you know if we
are successful.
We are using SurveyMonkey to collect responses, all data is confidential with no
personal information being requested. We ask for Post Code in the survey, but
this is optional.
It is really important that we get a good response rate, there are 10,000 of
us living here in Dunblane, we really need to get at least 1500 responses,
more would be much better. Please spread the word to your friends and
family in Dunblane. Stirling Council will take more notice of surveys with
good response rates. Over to you!
All information gathered will be confidential and responses recorded on Survey Monkey.
Paper copies of the survey can be picked up and dropped off at Dunblane Library. Thank you for your help.
Below are some links to NPF4 and Local Place Plans:
national-planning-framework-4.pdf (www.gov.scot)
National Planning Framework 4 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)
Information on Local place plans | Stirling Council
Here's our poster on the issue of Travel for example...
Community Councillors
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Anna Jarchow-MacDonald Chair |
Jonathan Failes Vice Chair |
Calum Thomson |
Stewart Corbett Treasurer |
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Karen Jenkins |
Alan Booth |
Terence O'Byrne |
Fiona Plumtree |
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Rachael Muir |
Annelise Bakri |
DCC Minutes 2014
Giant Hogweed spraying in Dunblane this year
A quick update; most of the Giant Hogs have been sprayed in the last week by me. The area sprayed starts at the bridge near Riverview and runs up to the end of the lower playing pitch in the Laighills. Along the length of the path to Ashfield starting at the Ramoyle end running behind the Cala estate. Various other small patches in the general area have also been sprayed.
It will take at least 2 weeks before the plants start to go yellow. I will go out again in mid May and spray anything that is still alive as these will have been missed this time round. I have noticed in my travels that a few Hogs had been ‘bashed’ in an attempt to kill them off. Please DO NOT do this, it is dangerous and it DOES NOT kill the plant which just comes back again next year. So please NO BASHING any plants you see growing. You can email me via the Community Council contact on this website if you think I have missed any but as have I said above, please wait at least 2 weeks.
You might well ask about the large infestations on the west of the Allan Water from Ashfield down to Dunblane and about the large patch in the Laighills that is along the path that follows the river from the lower football pitch. Contractors have been appointed by Forth Fisheries so hopefully all these areas will be sprayed soon. The other area is the railway track; Network Rail did some minimal spraying last year north of Dunblane, they did a miserable job and I hope they will take their responsibilities more seriously this year. Will update you again in Mid May.
Terence O’Byrne (Community Council)
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
Please note, Dunblane Community Council meets 10 times each year. There are no meetings in January or July.
The minutes of each meeting are in pdf format.