
On 11 April 2015 Andy Murray was married in Dunblane Cathedral.

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Still a chance to see the flowers from the wedding Dunblane cathedral during Sunday and Monday. (from Douglas Wilson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Dunblane's Christine Davis : Public servant, campaigner, and founder member of the Scottish Legal Aid Board.

Read the Glasgow Herald Obituary

Projected view of Dunblane Station


Stirling Road "Access for all" project

The Allan Water bridge reconstruction nears completion.

Work then begins on the street layout along Beech Rd, Stirling Rd and the junctions with Perth Rd. It is anticipated that this project will commence in June and last for 6 months. While the bridge will re-open to vehicles, some traffic restrictions will remain in force during this period; details to follow.

One page plan summary

Project Background

In Early 2014, Stirling Council obtained funding from the sustainable transport charity SUSTRANS to improve the street layout on Beech and Stirling Roads. Since then they have been working with local residents, your Community Council, Dunblane Development Trust and Discover Dunblane to make the area more pedestrian and cyclist friendly. There has also been a focus on the needs of those with mobility difficulties, and vehicular access for station users, businesses and local residents.

A public consultation on concept plans took place in November/December 2014. Many of the comments received reflected a desire to get an environment that works well for all and been used by the Project Steering Group to finalise the plans. 

Summary report from consultation events

Expanded report from consultation events

Comments summarised in pie chart slide show

Comments made by consultation event attendees

Any further questions?

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You will need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 0845 277 7000 / 0845 277 7000 or 01786 404040 / 01786 404040 and ask for Transport Planning and Access.

Stirling Council is seeking the views of Dunblane residents on the proposed relocation of local office services from the Dunblane Burgh Chambers to Dunblane Library. The move will include all the services currently available at the Burgh Chambers. See the Council's Facebook page.

The draft plan of the Library can be downloaded here. It will also be on display at both Dunblane Burgh Chambers and Dunblane Library until Friday, 3 April 2015.

To have your opinion on the suggested move heard, please complete the online survey or fill in a paper copy, available at Dunblane Library and the Burgh Chambers.

Burgh 2 Chambers Ad FEb 2015-page-001


Major Developments are planned for the Queen Victoria School

Text Updated 270315

The work includes the rationalisation and modernisation of Queen Victoria School and grounds, including the provision of a new teaching block, accommodation block and relocation of activities to existing and new build accommodation such as pipes and drums centre, dance hall, new stores building and new dining kitchen building. Also included are the demolition of surplus unlisted buildings and extensive landscaping and other public realm improvement works. There are also to be drainage works to existing burn and repositioning of culvert.

There is to be a public consultation event on

Wednesday 29 April  in the Chapel at QV School from 3pm to 7pm

Read a letter re the Proposal of Planning Application Norice (POAN)

Read the Proposal of Application Notice (revised version 11.02.15)

Read the Notes

Have a look at the site plan

Update Read the Planning Panel Report (see link below). It says..."The application is recommended for approval,... despite the site falling within an "area of significant protection" and not being within an "Area Of Search" as defined by Stirling Council's Supplementary Guidance for Renewable Energy Developments (Wind Turbines)"

An application for 2 large wind turbines close to Dunblane is being recommended for approval by the Council's Planning officers. The site is just off the Auchinlay Road, overlooking Ashfield. The application is to go to the Planning and Regulation Panel on 24th February 2015.


Planning Panel Report

Planning Application

What the turbines might look like

Planning panel members

For further information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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