Dunblane Runners Club


We are Dunblane Runners – a small and friendly running club with the aim of bringing runners of all abilities together. We run three times a week - on Mondays and Thursdays (6.30pm) - meet at the entrance to Dunblane Centre and Saturday at 8.30am – meet at Dunblane Cathedral Car Park.

Saturday is the "Social" run, and we have a get together for a coffee at Old Churches House after running. The Saturday session is structured to suit all abilities from beginners upwards.

We have a broad range of ages and abilities in our club. At our Saturday sessions, we have a Meet & Greet set up where one of our members will welcome you and run with you, introducing you to some of our members who would likely be running at the same pace as you. Sessions generally last 30 – 60 minutes and will vary with time of year, weather and who is taking part. We have runners from walk / run level up to, and more than, 7 mins per mile pace. Nobody gets dropped or left behind at any of our sessions.

Before you take that step of joining Dunblane Runners, we would like to invite you to one or two of our sessions and meet us all. The sessions are free. We look forward to running with you!

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