A large number of people who filled in the recent survey about the future of the Burgh Chambers said they'd seen little publicity about what services were currently provided there by Stirling Council. Others also said it was important to keep council services in the town so that people didn't have to travel to Stirling. For many, getting information and arranging services online was not a popular option.

Here's a list of the kind of services which staff currently provide (in addition to having bus timetables and local leaflets available for visitors who are looking for local information): -

Repair enquiries – telephone repair line for customers
Pre-planned maintenance – occasional requests for info about what's planned
House improvement enquiries – customers asking for info about kitchens/bathrooms. Samples for viewing
Allocation enquires – where on the list are they ? Applications, proof/medical forms
Arrears enquiries – contacting arrears team for customers, arranging repayments, info as to source of arrears
Estate management enquiries – neighbour complaints, contacting estate warden
Homeless enquiries – putting people in touch with homeless team
Other – general housing queries, needing to speak to housing officer

Registration of births, marriages, deaths
Issuing of certificates
Scrutiny of documents

Contacting cemeteries dept for info re lairs

Footwear and clothing
Progressing of grants
Verifying documents

School lets
Forwarding to Let admin

Social work
Contacting social workers for customers
Handling calls for social workers using touchdown office

Enquiries about surgeries, meetings, contact details

Rent for houses and garages
Council tax
Registration fees
Pest control

Housing Benefit/Council tax
Processing documents for customers applying for HB and on benefits
Checking forms
Chasing queries

Licensing enquiries
Providing info and contact for customers re processions, occasional licences etc.

Recent article : Public Outcry Over Possible Sale of Burgh Chambers

Nearly 300 people have already responded to a survey about the future of the Burgh Chambers in Dunblane – with the vast majority objecting to any possibility of it being sold off by Stirling Council in a bid to balance the books.

Nearly 90% of those who completed the online questionnaire thought the building was an integral part of Dunblane’s heritage and should remain as a community asset.  Respondents argued that Dunblane, as the largest town in the Stirling Council area, should have a dedicated centre for council services. Others believed that plans by the local authority to use part of the Library for the registration of births, marriages and deaths are fundamentally flawed.

The survey, which can be accessed through www.dunblane.info/ is open until the end of June after which the Community Council will publish the results on the Dunblane Info website.

Dunblane Community Council Vice Chair Craig French said: “I always knew that the Burgh Chambers were regarded as an important part of Dunblane life. But I have been very surprised over how strongly these feelings run and the level of public response. Although the survey has not yet been concluded the indications so far are that people do not support the Council’s plans to move services to the Library. We should not be held hostage to decisions by Stirling Council which are for short-term financial gain.”

The findings will also be presented to the Community Council at their next meeting in the Burgh Chambers on July 28th 2014 to which John Risk, Stirling Council’s Head of Assets and Support is being invited. The public are most welcome to attend.


Community Council Survey on the Burgh Chambers

The Burgh Chambers in Dunblane could be under threat as part of the plans by Stirling Council to save money. If the building is sold, the money raised will go into council funds and will not necessarily be spent in Dunblane.

The Community Council believes the building is an integral part of Dunblane's heritage and should not be sold off.

  • Do you share this view?
  • Would you support a campaign to find alternative solutions?

The Community Council is working with Stirling Council and the results will form part of our response to the local authority's proposals.


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