Can you contribute to the book 'The Dunblane Centre – The Gift that Keeps Growing'?



As you may already know, this year marks the Tenth Anniversary of the Dunblane Centre, and a number of special events and activities have been organised to celebrate this important milestone.
One of these projects is a book entitled “The Dunblane Centre – The Gift that Keeps Growing”.  It will be available at the beginning of September and will tell the story of the Centre, describing the origins of this special and unique facility, documenting the activities and developments during the last decade and the importance of the Centre to the town in the aftermath of the tragic events of March 1996.
We have collected various contributions already but our wish is to include something from as many as possible of the people who have been involved with the Centre in some way or known the importance of its activities.  In order to share recollections and stories with us, we would have much preferred to speak to people individually or as a group, but with so many to get round and earlier than expected printing deadlines, we have simply run out of time.  However, if you wish to, there is still an opportunity to contribute to the Centre’s story.  We've given some suggestions on the attached form of things you might like to consider or which you may find helpful, so if you’d like us to include something we'd love to hear from you.   And as we may not have the most up to date contact details for everyone, please also pass this on to anyone who we may have missed or who you feel might have something to share.
In the meantime, please feel free to get in touch with any of us (contact details below).  We will be more than happy to discuss anything you’d like to ask or chat about or we can meet if you prefer.  Ideally, we'd like any contributions to us or to the Centre as soon as possible, but by 25 May 2014 at the latest.
In addition, if you have any photographs that you’d be happy for us to use, please let us know or use our Dropbox folder and share them with us.
We look forward to the launch of this special book and very much appreciate your help and contribution in making it a success.
Many thanks in advance.  
Pam Ross (Staff Member), Nora Gilfillan (DC Project Co-ordinator & Former Trustee)
& Mick North (Patron) 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 01786 824880 or 07901 800467 (4 Kinnoull Avenue, Dunblane, FK15 9JG)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 01786 823456 or 07760 206420 (12 Kippenross, Dunblane, FK15 0JZ)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 01567 820738 or 07810 355588 (Caochan House, Lawers, Aberfeldy, PH15 2PA


The Dunblane Centre, Stirling Road, DUNBLANE, FK15 9EY   Tel: 01786 824224

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