Update on new owners' plans for Holmehill in 2021


The Friends of Holmehill contacted the website team with an update about the new owners’ plans for Holmehill. Here is their email


We recently asked The Carman Family Foundation for an update as to what has happened over the last few month. The response from Bill Carman is below:


Over the last few months:


1. The Braeport meadow has been tilled and the seedling trees removed. 54 small-medium sized decorative trees have been planted in groups of 3, with 10 more (a bit bigger) to go. Some outlines of paths have been created - these will probably be finished with plastic matting and grass growing through the plastic.

2. The paths on the top have had leaves removed.

3. The paths going down to ground level have also been cleared to a reasonable state. We need to think of more permanent solutions.

4. The chip paths need an alternative surface - any ideas of what might look natural yet last for a few years? The weeds on either side have been dug out.

5. Some of the Scots pines have been eaten (rabbits?). They have been replaced and tubes now keep the rabbits out with wire mesh to keep the deer off them.

6. Around the grasses next to the tennis court we  have planted a bamboo hedge.

7. Wire has been put back into the metal posts of the old fence to stop people tumbling down the hill

8. 150 longer tubes were supplied by the Woodland Trust to replace the short tubes.


Next year jobs include:


1. Planning for a pond at the bottom of the meadows

2. Moving the shed next to the red lodge (or getting a new hut) for storage of garden equipment.

3. Planting snowdrops in february.

4. We are in discussions with people on types of plants to put under the new trees on the meadow. We want colourful plants of all sizes which will attract pollinators and birds. All suggestions welcomed.

5. Next year, we will roundup the edges of the paths on the top in April.

6. Putting Up a chain barrier to stop people driving on to the grass on top.

7. A few more "nice" trees for around the perimeter of the grass on top.

8. 4 carved benches will be made this Winter, 3 representing each primary school, using the wood we took off the hill 2 years ago.


Someone who currently works with me will be at Holmehill for 2 days per week from now (ish).


The Friends of Holmehill can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The Carman Family Foundation cab be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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