Funding for Christian Fellowship

 Dunblane project shares in funding to help takes ideas into action for communities

A number of rural Stirling community projects have been handed a cash boost from the Rural & Island Communities Ideas into Action (RICIA) fund.

Dunblane Christian Fellowship is to receive £5,000 to expand a toddler group and cafe service by removing an internal wall to create more space, furniture and expanding the volunteer and staff team.

More than 180 projects across rural Scotland will receive grants. The fund encourages and supports not-for-profit community groups with innovative approaches to community-led local development, including work towards net zero and just transition goals, tackling rural poverty and supporting rural communities through the cost of living crisis. “This investment comes at a critical time for our rural and island communities, who are disproportionately impacted by the cost of living crisis compared to the rest of the country. “I wish all the successful community groups well as they now look to take forward these projects and make a positive difference to their local areas.”


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